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The Hottest Places In the Wolrd

Posted by Unknown
Traveller, Updated at: 04.40

Posted by Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Al Aziziyah adalah salah satu tempat terpanas yang ada di bumi iniIn this world there are various places extreme referred to as the hottest places on Earth where the weather they are in regular months really unfriendly. Here are 10 places there's the hottest of the world.

For comparison, the average temperature in Indonesia is between 22 to 32 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the places below is the highest temperature ever achieved each city.

10. Al'Aziziya, Libya - 49oC

Al Aziziyah is one of the hottest places on earth

In 1922, Al Aziziya or El Azizia record his name in the history of the weather as temperatures reached 58 degrees celsius. Record was last up 90 years, unfortunately in 2012, WMO stated that the figure was not valid.

Although the record has been declared one, the weather is hot in El'Azizia still can not be underestimated. Because, in the summer of everyday weather in this place still can reach 49 degrees Celsius and some believe that there is a possibility of getting back his old record.

9. Ahvaz, Iran - 53,5oC

Ahvaz is one of the hottest places in the world
Ahvaz merupakan salah satu tempat paling panas yang ada di dunia
Although built on the banks of Karun river, the city of Ahvaz is one of the hottest places in the world in the summer. Ahvaz itself has a very hot desert climate in winter and has a short winter. The average temperature in the city is 45 degrees Celsius, but never touched 53 degrees celsius followed by sand and dust storms. This leads to Ahvaz been referred to as one of the cities with polluted air (dust and sand).

8. Tirat Zvi, Israel - 53,7oC

Tirat Zvi in ​​Israel is one of the 10 hottest places in the world
Tirat Zvi di Israel adalah salah satu dari 10 tempat terpanas yang ada di dunia
Often touted as the hottest place in Asia. Although located near the Jordan River, the city still had to face immense heat in the summer that is as high as 53 degrees Celsius. This high was recorded on tahjun, 1942, and was officially declared as the highest temperature ever measured in Asia. To avoid this heat, the inhabitants had to soak in the springs and each house has a canopy that is useful as a shelter.

7. Timbuktu, Mali - 54,5oC

Timbuktu, Mali is one of the 10 hottest places on our planet
Kebili di Tunisia benar-benar memiliki cuaca yang sangat panas di bumi yakni mencapai 55 derajat
Located in the center of the trade routes of the Sahara desert, the city was once a center of education and the spread of Islam in Africa. Nowadays, Timbuktu is known to be one of the places that have the most awesome ancient manuscripts in the world.

Unfortunately, the city continues to experience the threat of desertification, namely parts of the city continue to be degraded and becomes drier. Therefore, the temperature in Timbuktu can reach 54 degrees celsius. The good news, the water can be enjoyed not far from this place which is on the River Niger.

6. Kebili, Tunisia - 55oC

Kebili in Tunisia really have very hot weather on Earth, reaching 55 degrees
Ghadames di Libya adalah salah satu tempat terpanas yang ada di dunia
Oasis town in central Tunisia, Africa. Although the city has been known for a very hot weather, people have lived in this place is far from modern humans in the world. Evidence related to the case say that Kebili has been inhabited since 200 thousand years ago.

5. Ghadames, Libya - 55oC
Kebili di Tunisia benar-benar memiliki cuaca yang sangat panas di bumi yakni mencapai 55 derajat
Ghadames in Libya is one of the hottest places in the world

As a walled oasis town declared as world heritage by UNESCO and is located in the southwest of Libya, it is not surprising that the highest temperature that can be achieved this city is as hot as 55 degrees Celsius. To survive the extremely hot weather, then Ghadames city residents must build their homes out of natural materials such as palm trees and mud.

4. Rub al 'Khali, the Arabian Peninsula - 56,1oC
Rub Al Khali sebagai salah satu gurun terluas yang ada di dunia juga adalah salah satu gurun terpanas
Rub Al Khali as one of the largest deserts in the world also is one of the hottest deserts

The highest temperature ever reached this desert is as high as 56 degrees Celsius. Not only heat, Rub Al 'Khali desert is also the most extensive in the world. He covered 1/3 of the Arabian Peninsula, which includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Because the hot desert Rub al 'Khali, then it is not allowed for a man crossing the desert barefoot.

3. Death Valley, California - 56,6oC

Death Valley is the hottest place on earth
Death Valley adalah tempat paling panas yang ada di bumi ini
Located in the Mojave Desert, California, US, is Death Valley, the lowest region, driest, and hottest in North America. Not only that, it also holds the record for the hottest place in the world, which is 134 degrees Fahrenheit.

With the very hot weather, at night the temperature of the weather in this place will change and be below 0 degrees celsius. Death Valley also previously included as one of the 10 Mysterious Sites in the World where the place was discovered rocks that can move on its own, even leaving a trace of their displacement.

The reason why this place is known as the hottest place in the world but ranks 3rd is because the Death Valley is the hottest place on Earth, but that if it is measured by the measurement tools actually carried out on the land concerned. While others using satellite measurements.

2. Dasht-e Lut, Iran - 70,5oC

Dasht-e Lut or Lut Desert is one of the hottest places even milk alone can not stale
Dasht-e Lut atau Gurun Lut merupakan salah satu tempat terpanas yang bahkan susu saja tidak bisa basi
Also briefly known as Lut Desert, this region has a climate pergurunan dry and very hot. In 2005, it was discovered that the land of the hottest on Earth is located in the Lut Desert Hot settingi reaching 70 degrees Celsius. Fortunately, the air temperature in this place is still warmer.

There was a study done in this place linked bottle of milk. Researchers found that in the Lut Desert, milk can not be stale because the bacteria may not be able to live in such excess heat. To prove this they put the milk in the Desert LUT open and when they returned, they found that the milk was still fresh. Lut desert itself meruapakn home to some of the world's highest sand pyramids.

1. Flaming Mountain, China - 80 ° C

Flaming Mountain is a mountain in China is really very hot even derived from monkey magic story
Flaming Mountain adalah gunung di Cina yang benar-benar sangatlah panas bahkan berasal dari cerita kera sakti
Flaming Mountain or Gaochang Mountain is located in the Tian Shan Mountains, Xinjiang, China, and as the name suggests this mountain is really very hot. In 2008, NASA satellite recorded one of the hottest in the world, namely 80 degrees Celsius and it is in the Flaming Mountain.

Based on the classic novel "Journey to the West" or "Monkey King," this mountain at the beginning it was very hot and can burn anything but calmed through giant fan borrowed Kera Sakti. In another legend, mentioned that there was a dragon who lives in the mountains of Tian Shan and likes to eat small children, therefore a hero defeat the dragon and cut into 8 pieces. The dragon's blood turned into Mount redness and 8 pieces into eight valleys in Flaming Mountain.


Temperature measurement at Lut Desert and the Flaming Mountain performed via satellite, while the measurements in Death Valley conducted by a thermometer in the ground, because some people found Lut Desert temperatures and Flaming Mountain invalid. This leads to Death Valleyu often referred to as the hottest place in the world.
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