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Experience in Indonesia "Tolerance"

Posted by Unknown
Traveller, Updated at: 05.26

Posted by Unknown on Kamis, 16 Juli 2015

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. However, Indonesia is still relatively able to maintain religious harmony.
Is Christ Daniel Soselisa (17), a young man from Ambon who participate preach to other countries that tolerance in Indonesia is very high. He tried to convince his friends while participating exchange students to Arkansas, USA.
"I was placed in an area in the United States in the State of Arkansas and I placed was not in an area of ​​the city, like not most movies in Hollywood. My school was previously not received an exchange student. Then when it's there is a lot of news such as ISIS, Al -Qaedah, Boko Haram, and I as a majority population of Muslim countries are trying to explain to them, Islam and terrorism are two quite different things. That is the bottleneck, "said Christ when sharing stories told AFP at the residence of US Ambassador, Jl Taman Suropati, Central Jakarta, Friday (19/06/2015).
Although a Christian, Christ claimed that Islam in Indonesia is very peaceful. So there is no reason for anyone to do stereotyping of Islam with terrorism.
"When I explain that they do not believe. Because they are controlled by the US media is so strong. It has a strong influence. But day by day my own show with my attitude, my own example. I am not a Muslim but I am a Christian but I am in Muslim-majority country and I am happy. I am happy to live in a Muslim country that is so tolerant and respect for differences. And they believe that, "said Christ, smiling.
Christ's eyes then looked a little glazed hold emotion when remembered that his home town in Ambon, Maluku also have experienced conflict. But ultimately can come together and one of the symbols union is a school which he occupied.
"So if you never know, there used to be large enough conflict in Ambon between the two major religions. My school was established for the reconciliation of two religions. And in the form of boarding. Initially heavy, my baseball familiar with the people and beliefs. But from there I learned that the difference turns out it was lovely really. And since then we try always optimistic, "said Christ.
Fruit of the persistence tells tolerance in Indonesia, Christ was chosen to attend the Civilizations Exchange and Cooperation Foundation's Better Understanding for Better World Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. In the event that he is dealing with other gifted students from different countries.
Christ admitted a little tense at first. But the feeling did not last long when she had started to interact with other participants and exchange experiences.

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